Source code for glue_jupyter

from __future__ import absolute_import

from IPython.display import display

from ._version import __version__  # noqa
from .app import JupyterApplication  # noqa

__all__ = ['jglue', 'example_data_xyz', 'example_image', 'example_volume',
           'JupyterApplication', 'set_layout_factory', 'get_layout_factory']


[docs]def set_layout_factory(func): """ Set the function to use to generate the viewer layout. This should take a viewer class and return a widget containing the viewer widgets laid out in the desired way. """ global LAYOUT_FACTORY LAYOUT_FACTORY = func
[docs]def get_layout_factory(): """ Get the current layout factory. Returns `None` if using the default. """ return LAYOUT_FACTORY
[docs]def jglue(*args, **kwargs): """ Create a new Jupyter-based glue application. It is typically easiest to call this function without arguments and load data and add links separately in subsequent calls. However, this function can also take the same inputs as the `~glue.qglue` function. Once this function is called, it will return a `~glue_jupyter.JupyterApplication` object, which can then be used to load data, set up links, and create visualizations. See the documentation for that class for more details. """ show = kwargs.pop('show', False) from glue.core import DataCollection from glue.qglue import parse_data, parse_links from glue.core.data_factories import load_data links = kwargs.pop('links', None) dc = DataCollection() for label, data in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(data, str): data = load_data(data) dc.extend(parse_data(data, label)) for data in args: dc.append(data) if links is not None: dc.add_link(parse_links(dc, links)) japp = JupyterApplication(dc) if show: display(japp) return japp
[docs]def example_data_xyz(seed=42, N=500, loc=0, scale=1, label='xyz'): """ Create an example dataset with three attributes x, y, and z set to random values. """ from glue.core import Data import numpy as np rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) x, y, z = rng.normal(loc, scale, size=(3, N)) vx = x - x.mean() vy = y - y.mean() vz = z - z.mean() speed = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2) data_xyz = Data(x=x, y=y, z=z, vx=vx, vy=vy, vz=vz, speed=speed, label=label) return data_xyz
[docs]def example_volume(shape=64, limits=[-4, 4]): """ Creates a test 3-d dataset containing a ball. """ from glue.core import Data import ipyvolume as ipv ball_data = ipv.examples.ball(shape=shape, limits=limits, show=False, draw=False) data = Data() data.add_component(ball_data, label='intensity') return data
[docs]def example_image(shape=64, limits=[-4, 4]): """ Creates a test 2-d dataset containing an image. """ from glue.core import Data, Coordinates import numpy as np x = np.linspace(-3, 3, num=shape) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, x) rho = 0.8 intensity = np.exp(-X**2-Y**2-2*X*Y*rho) data = Data() data.coords = Coordinates() data.add_component(intensity, label='intensity') return data