
Basic instructions

The glue-jupyter package is currently under active development, and depends on the latest developer version of several packages. Therefore, we recommend installing it in an isolated Python environment for now. If you are using conda, you can create an environment and install the latest version of glue-jupyter in it using:

conda create -n glue-jupyter -c glueviz/label/dev python=3.7 glue-jupyter

To switch to the environment, use:

conda activate glue-jupyter

If you have already installed glue-jupyter as above and want to update it and all its dependencies, switch to the environment then use:

conda update -c glueviz/label/dev --all

The above will use conda packages built every day, but may not always include changes made within the last day. If you want to make sure you have the very latest version of glue-jupyter, or if you find conda too slow to install all the dependencies, you can also create the environment with conda (or another Python environment manager):

conda create -n glue-jupyter python=3.7

then switch to the environment as above and install glue-jupyter and all its dependencies with:

pip install git+

Jupyter Lab

If you are interested in using glue-jupyter in Jupyter Lab, you will need to first install Jupyter Lab (if not already installed):

pip install jupyterlab

then install the following extensions manually:

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager \
                             ipyvolume jupyter-threejs jupyter-materialui \
                             bqplot@0.5.0-alpha.0 bqplot-image-gl